Website Redesign Services

website redesign

your website is your storefront, your portfolio, and your connection to potential customers.

Just like a physical store, your website needs regular evaluation and updates to remain fresh, engaging, and effective.

This is where website redesign comes in.

As a Vancouver-based web design agency, Maple Web Design specializes in crafting beautiful and functional websites and WooCommerce stores that help businesses thrive online.

Why Redesign Your Website?

outdated design

Outdated Design

Trends evolve, and websites built years ago might appear dated visually and functionally.A stale website can negatively impact user experience.

responsive design

Non-Responsive Design

A website that doesn’t adapt to different screen sizes (responsive design) will alienate a significant portion of your audience.

bad ux

Poor User Experience

A confusing navigation structure, slow loading times, or broken functionalities can frustrate visitors and hinder conversions.

Evolving Business Needs

Evolving Business Needs

As your business grows and your offerings change, your website needs to adapt to showcase your updated services and products.

improve seo

SEO Challenges

An outdated website structure and lack of optimization for search engines (SEO) can make it hard for potential customers to find you online.

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Security Concerns

If your website is built on an outdated platform or hasn’t been updated with the latest security patches, it could be vulnerable to attacks.

Pros of Website Redesign

website redesign pros

Enhanced User Experience: A modern, well-designed website creates a positive first impression and provides a smooth and intuitive experience for visitors.

Improved Conversion Rates: A user-friendly website with clear calls to action can significantly improve conversion rates, whether it’s lead generation, online sales, or appointment bookings.

Boosted Brand Image: A visually appealing and well-designed website strengthens your brand identity, making you appear professional, credible, and trustworthy.

Increased Search Engine Visibility: By incorporating best SEO practices during redesign, you can improve your website’s ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs), attracting more organic traffic.

Enhanced Security: Redesigning your website with the latest security protocols provides better protection against cyber threats and malware attacks.

Integration of New Technologies: Website redesign allows you to leverage new technologies and functionalities that can enhance user experience and drive better results.

Ready to Upgrade?

If you are ready to redesign your website, complete the free quote form now. Also, if you have any questions before ordering, please contact us.

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The Importance of Choosing WordPress for Redesign

WordPress is a powerful and versatile Content Management System (CMS) that powers over 43% of all websites on the internet.

Here’s why it’s an excellent choice for your website redesign

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WordPress is known for its intuitive interface, making it easy for website owners to update content and manage their site without needing extensive coding knowledge.



WordPress offers a vast library of plugins and themes, allowing you to customize your website to suit your specific needs and brand identity.



The platform is built with SEO best practices in mind, providing a solid foundation for optimizing your website for search engines.



As your business grows, your website on WordPress can easily scale to accommodate your evolving needs.



WordPress has a large and active community that constantly works on security updates and offers a wide range of security plugins to shield your website.



While premium themes and plugins incur costs, WordPress itself is free to use, making it a budget-friendly option.

Why Redesign Your Online Store?

Just like your main website, your online store also requires periodic evaluation and redesign to maintain its effectiveness.

Here are some reasons why an online store redesign might be necessary:

redesign online store
Outdated Look and Feel

Outdated Look and Feel

An outdated store with a stale design can deter customers and make your products appear less appealing.

Poor User Experience

Poor User Experience

Complicated product navigation, a confusing checkout process, or lack of mobile optimization can lead to cart abandonment and lost sales.

Limited Functionality

Limited Functionality

Older platforms or outdated software might lack essential features like product filtering, wishlists, or customer reviews, hindering the shopping experience.

Payment Integration

Payment Integration Issues

Outdated payment gateways can limit your customers’ payment options and potentially cause security concerns.

Inventory Management

Inventory Management

As your product offerings evolve, your online store needs to adapt to efficiently manage inventory and variations.

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If your store isn’t optimized for search engines, it can be difficult for potential customers to find your products online.

Pros of Redesigning Your Online Store

Investing in an online store redesign can bring several benefits:

  • Increased Sales: A well-designed store with a user-friendly interface and clear product presentation can lead to higher conversion rates and ultimately, increased sales.
  • Enhanced Customer Experience: Streamlining the shopping journey with an intuitive checkout process, detailed product descriptions, and a visually appealing layout creates a positive customer experience.
  • Improved Brand Consistency: Ensure your online store seamlessly integrates with your main website’s design and branding, reinforcing your brand identity.
  • Expanded Functionality: Leverage the latest features and plugins to offer functionalities like product recommendations, customer accounts, and abandoned cart recovery.
  • Mobile-First Shopping Experience: In today’s mobile-centric world, a responsive store that adapts seamlessly to different screen sizes is crucial for capturing mobile traffic and sales.
  • Enhanced SEO for Products: By optimizing product descriptions, images, and categories during the redesign, you can improve your product’s ranking in search results.

Cons of Redesigning Your Online Store

While the benefits are substantial, there are also some considerations:

  • Cost: Depending on the complexity of your store and the scope of the redesign, there could be associated development and design costs.
  • Downtime: During the transition phase, your store might have limited functionality or temporary downtime, potentially impacting sales.
  • Data Migration: Ensuring smooth data migration of product information, customer details, and order history is crucial to avoid disruption.
  • Integration Testing: If redesigning involves integrating new plugins or functionalities, thorough testing is essential to ensure seamless operation.
online store redesign

Maple Web Design Your Partner in
Website and Online Store Redesign

maple web redesign

At Maple Web Design, we understand the importance of a well-designed and user-friendly website and online store.

Our team of experienced designers and developers specializes in creating beautiful and functional websites and online stores that cater to your specific business needs and target audience.

We leverage powerful platforms and integrate the latest features to build stores that are not only visually stunning but also optimized for conversions and growth.

Evolving Business Needs

Your Needs

We start by getting to know your business and goals.

Evolving Business Needs

Plan for Success

Collaborate on a plan outlining the redesign’s goals and functionalities.

Evolving Business Needs

SEO Optimization

We help optimize your website and product listings for search engines.

Evolving Business Needs

Beautiful & Functional

Our team designs and develops a user-friendly online store that reflects your brand

Evolving Business Needs

Mobile Responsiveness

Your website and online store will be fully responsive and optimized for all devices, including smartphones and tablets.

Evolving Business Needs

Launch & Support

We manage the redesign and provide ongoing support.

Frequently Asked Questions

Website redesign involves revisiting and updating your existing website’s design, functionality, and content.

The goal is to create a website that’s modern, user-friendly, and effective in achieving your business goals.

This can include improvements to the visual design, user experience (UX), content, and technical aspects of your website.

Redesigning a website typically involves several steps:

  1. Planning: Evaluate your current website’s performance, define your goals for the redesign, and research current web design trends.
  2. Design & Development: Collaborate with a web design agency or freelancer to create a new website design and implement the functionalities you need.
  3. Content Creation: Update or create fresh content for your website, ensuring it’s informative, engaging, and optimized for search engines.
  4. Testing & Launch: Thoroughly test the redesigned website before launching it publicly to ensure everything functions smoothly.
  5. Maintenance: Regularly update your website and maintain its security to keep it performing optimally.

And if you want us to do it for you, you can send a quote request.

The cost of website redesign varies depending on the project’s complexity. Factors include:

  • Website size and features: Larger websites with more functionalities will generally cost more to redesign.
  • Level of design customization: A completely custom design will cost more than using a pre-built template.
  • Development needs: Complex functionalities or custom programming may increase the cost.
  • Location and experience of the web design team: Rates can vary depending on the agency or freelancer you choose.

Here at Maple Web Design, we offer free consultations to discuss your project and provide a custom quote.

There’s no one-size-fits-all answer. Here are some factors to consider:

  • Outdated design: If your website looks dated compared to current trends, a redesign might be necessary.

  • Poor user experience: If users struggle to navigate your website or find the information they need, it’s time for a redesign.

  • Evolving business needs: If your website no longer reflects your brand or offerings, a redesign can help bridge the gap.

  • Changes in SEO best practices: Search engine algorithms evolve, so periodic updates to improve SEO might be needed.

Here are some signs that a website redesign might be beneficial:

  • Decreased website traffic: If your website traffic is declining, it could be due to outdated design or poor user experience.

  • High bounce rate: A high bounce rate indicates visitors leave your website quickly, suggesting navigation issues or lack of engaging content.

  • Low conversion rates: If your website isn’t converting visitors into leads or sales, a redesign might be needed to improve the user journey.

  • Negative user feedback: If you receive negative feedback from users about your website’s functionality or design, it’s time to consider a redesign.

  • Security vulnerabilities: Outdated websites can be vulnerable to security threats. A redesign can address these concerns.

The timeline for a website redesign depends on the project’s scope. A simple website redesign might take a few weeks, while a complex project with extensive customization could take several months.

Yes, website redesign can impact SEO, both positively and negatively:

  • Positive impact: A redesign focused on SEO best practices with optimized content and improved user experience can significantly improve search engine ranking.
  • Negative impact: A poorly planned redesign with broken links, slow loading times, or mobile-friendliness issues can hurt your SEO.

It’s crucial to work with an SEO-savvy web design team to ensure a smooth transition and maintain or improve your website’s ranking.

It’s difficult to quantify a guaranteed sales increase from a website redesign.

However, a well-designed website with a user-friendly experience and clear calls to action can lead to:

  • Increased conversion rates: Making it easier for visitors to convert into paying customers.

  • Improved brand image: Reflecting professionalism and trustworthiness, which can influence buying decisions.

  • Enhanced user engagement: Keeping visitors on your website longer and encouraging them to explore your offerings.

  • High-quality product images: Invest in professional product photography or high-quality product photos with a clean background.

  • Clear and concise product descriptions: Provide detailed information about your products, highlighting their features and benefits.

  • Visually appealing layout: Organize your products logically and ensure a clean, clutter-free layout that’s easy to navigate.

  • Consistent branding: Maintain a consistent brand identity throughout your website, including colors, fonts, and logos.

  • Mobile responsiveness: Ensure your online store looks and functions flawlessly on all devices, especially smartphones and tablets.

Store redesign, in the context of e-commerce, refers to the process of updating the design, functionality, and content of your online store.

The goal, similar to website redesign, is to create a modern, user-friendly, and effective online shopping experience that drives sales and brand awareness.

Store redesign can encompass elements like:

  • Visual design: Modernizing the look and feel of your online store.
  • Improved product navigation: Making it easier for customers to find the products they’re looking for.
  • Enhanced product pages: Optimizing product pages with clear descriptions, high-quality images, and customer reviews.
  • Streamlined checkout process: Simplifying the checkout process to reduce cart abandonment.
  • Integration of new features: Adding functionalities like wishlists, abandoned cart recovery, or product recommendations.
  • Mobile optimization: Ensuring your online store is responsive and user-friendly on all devices.

By investing in store redesign, you can create a more engaging and efficient online shopping experience for your customers, ultimately leading to increased sales and customer satisfaction.

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