What is E-commerce?

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The way we shop has been dramatically transformed by the internet.

E-commerce, short for electronic commerce, has become an ingrained part of our lives, offering a convenient and accessible alternative to traditional brick-and-mortar stores.

But what exactly is e-commerce, and how does it work?

The term encompasses the buying and selling of goods and services over the Internet, encompassing a wide range of online transactions.

what is ecommerce

This can include anything from purchasing clothing and electronics from major retailers to downloading digital products like ebooks and music, or even booking flights and hotels for your next vacation.

E-commerce has fundamentally changed the way businesses operate and consumers shop, creating a global marketplace that is accessible 24/7 from any internet-connected device.

Understanding Different Transactions



This is the most common type, where businesses sell products and services directly to individual consumers.

Online stores like Macy’s or electronic retailers like Best Buy fall under this category.



Businesses can also leverage e-commerce to buy and sell goods and services from each other.

This could involve wholesale purchases or online platforms connecting companies with suppliers.



Online marketplaces like eBay or Etsy allow individual consumers to sell products directly to other consumers.

Omnichannel Commerce min

Omnichannel Commerce
(Omnichannel Retail)

This emerging approach blends the online and offline shopping experience. Imagine researching a product online and then picking it up at a physical store, or vice versa.

E-commerce Business Models

Exploring Different Strategies



This model allows you to sell products without holding any inventory.

You partner with a supplier who fulfills orders directly to your customers.

This is a low-risk way to start but can have lower profit margins.

Subscription Model min

Subscription Model

Offer customers products or services at regular intervals for a recurring fee. Subscription boxes for beauty products or meal kits are popular examples.

This model provides recurring revenue but requires a strong customer retention strategy.

Marketplace Model

Marketplace Model

Create an online platform where multiple sellers can list and sell their products. Think Amazon or Etsy.

This model requires attracting both sellers and buyers but can be a lucrative way to scale your business.


Direct-to-Consumer (D2C)

Manufacturers can bypass traditional retailers and sell directly to consumers through their online stores.

This model offers greater control over branding and customer relationships but requires strong marketing efforts.

Popular E-Commerce Platforms

Choosing Your E-commerce Partner


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This free, open-source plugin for WordPress websites is a powerful option for those comfortable with some technical knowledge.

WooCommerce offers a high degree of customization and integrates seamlessly with WordPress websites, making it a popular choice for businesses with existing WordPress sites or those who want more control over the design and functionality of their online store.

However, managing an e-commerce store through WooCommerce requires more technical expertise compared to drag-and-drop options like Wix or Squarespace


wix logo

Ideal for beginners with little to no coding experience.

Wix‘s drag-and-drop interface and intuitive design tools make creating a beautiful online store a breeze.

Wix offers a rich set of design features like stunning galleries, video backgrounds, and animation effects, allowing you to create a visually appealing and engaging shopping experience for your customers.

In addition to its user-friendly design, Wix Stores boasts a comprehensive app market filled with extensions that can enhance the functionality of your online store.

Whether you need to add a contact form, integrate social media feeds, or offer abandoned cart recovery features, you’ll likely find the perfect app to meet your needs.

Wix Stores also includes built-in SEO tools to help you improve your website’s search engine ranking and drive organic traffic to your online store.


shopify logo

A leading choice for businesses of all sizes, Shopify is renowned for its ease of use, scalability, and comprehensive set of features.

Beginners will appreciate the user-friendly interface with drag-and-drop store building tools and a vast library of themes to create a professional online store without any coding knowledge.

Shopify themes are responsive, meaning they adapt to look great on any device, from desktops to smartphones.

Shopify offers various pricing plans to suit your needs, making it a versatile option for businesses seeking a comprehensive e-commerce solution that can grow with them. 


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Similar to Wix, Squarespace offers a user-friendly platform with a focus on aesthetics.

It boasts beautiful, pre-designed templates that can be customized to match your brand identity.

Squarespace also includes built-in marketing and analytics tools, allowing you to track your website traffic, measure marketing campaign performance, and gain valuable insights into your customer behavior.

This can help you optimize your online store and make data-driven decisions to improve your conversion rates and sales.

While Squarespace doesn’t offer the same level of customization as some other platforms on this list, it’s a solid choice for businesses seeking a visually appealing online store with user-friendly e-commerce functionalities and built-in marketing tools.

Adobe Commerce (Magento)

adobe commerce

Formerly known as Magento, Adobe Commerce caters to established businesses with high-volume needs and complex product catalogues.

It boasts a robust feature set that includes advanced inventory management, marketing automation tools, and extensive customization options.

This platform is ideal for businesses that require a high degree of control over their online store experience and want to scale their operations significantly.

However, Adobe Commerce comes with a steeper learning curve and requires significant technical expertise to set up and manage.

The cost of ownership can also be high, with licensing fees and the need for experienced developers to maintain and customize the platform.

For businesses that can afford the investment and have the technical resources, Adobe Commerce offers unparalleled power and flexibility.

Square Online (Weebly)

weebly logo

Ideal for businesses already within the Square ecosystem, Square Online (Weebly) offers a simple and affordable solution.

It integrates seamlessly with Square Point-of-Sale systems, making it a good choice for restaurants, cafes, or businesses with a strong brick-and-mortar presence.

Big Cartel

big cartel

Caters to artists and creatives who want to showcase and sell their artwork online.

Big Cartel offers a user-friendly platform with features specifically tailored to displaying and selling creative products.


big commerc

A powerful platform with a focus on scalability. It is a good choice for businesses with a large product catalog or those anticipating rapid growth.

BigCommerce offers robust features and APIs for integration with various sales and marketing tools.


commercetools logo

A headless e-commerce platform that offers a high degree of flexibility and scalability.

Headless platforms separate the front-end (user interface) from the back-end (e-commerce functionalities), allowing for greater customization and integration with existing systems. However, Commercetools requires advanced technical expertise to implement.

Salesforce Commerce Cloud

sales force

A high-end platform catering to large enterprises with complex business needs.

Salesforce offers a vast range of features and integrations but comes with a hefty price tag and requires significant technical resources to manage.

Social E-commerce

Shopping Where You Connect

Social media platforms are no longer just for catching up with friends and family. They have become powerful tools for e-commerce, blurring the lines between social interaction and shopping.

Social Selling

Social Selling

Businesses can leverage platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok to showcase products, engage with potential customers, and drive sales directly through social media features like shoppable posts and stories.

Influencer Marketing

Influencer Marketing

Partnering with social media influencers with a large following can help you reach a wider audience and promote your products through their recommendations. Influencer marketing can be highly effective but requires careful selection of partners.

Live Shopping

Live Shopping

The trend of live shopping events on social media is rapidly growing.

Brands can demonstrate products, answer questions in real-time, and create a more engaging shopping experience for viewers.

E-commerce Pros and Cons

Weighing the Benefits and Challenges

E-commerce Pros



Avoid the hassle of traveling to physical stores and fighting crowds. Research products online, compare prices, and make purchases from the comfort of your home.

wider selection

Wider Selection

Find a broader range of products compared to physical stores. You’re not limited to the selection of a single store and can easily compare prices and features from various online retailers.

Competitive Prices

Competitive Prices

Online stores often offer competitive pricing due to lower overhead costs compared to brick-and-mortar stores. You can find better deals and discounts by shopping online.

Convenience and Accessibility

Convenience and Accessibility

Shop from anywhere, anytime with just an internet connection.

No more waiting in lines or being restricted by store hours.

Global Market Reach

Global Market Reach

Sell to customers worldwide and expand your business reach beyond geographical limitations. E-commerce opens doors to new markets and customer bases.

Personalized Shopping Experience

Personalized Shopping Experience

Many online stores use cookies and other tracking technologies to personalize your shopping experience. This can include recommending products based on your browsing history and past purchases.

E-commerce Cons

Return Hassle

Return Hassle

Returning unwanted items online can involve additional steps compared to in-store returns. You might need to print return labels and ship the product back yourself.

Delivery Time

Delivery Time

Waiting for products to be delivered can be inconvenient for some customers, especially if you need something urgently. Shipping costs can also add to the overall price.

Security Concerns

Security Concerns

Be cautious of online scams and ensure secure payment methods. Always shop from reputable websites and be wary of deals that seem too good to be true.

Physical Interaction

Lack of Physical Interaction

You can’t physically examine products before purchase. This can be a drawback for products like clothing or furniture where you want to assess the quality and fit before buying.

Limited Customer Service

Limited Customer Service

While some online stores offer excellent customer service options like live chat or phone support, others might rely solely on email communication, which can be slower and less convenient.

Order E-commerce Website Design

At Maple Web Design, we specialize in custom E-commerce website design that are tailored to the unique needs and goals of our clients.

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The Future of E-commerce

A Glimpse into What's Next

The Future of E-commerce
  • The Rise of Mobile Commerce (M-commerce): With the increasing use of smartphones and tablets, mobile shopping is projected to continue its significant growth. Consumers are increasingly comfortable making purchases directly from their phones, and e-commerce platforms are optimizing their user interfaces for mobile devices.
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Personalization: AI can personalize the shopping experience by recommending products based on user preferences, analyzing past purchase history, and even using facial recognition to suggest makeup shades or clothing styles. Chatbots powered by AI can provide real-time customer service and answer questions efficiently.
  • Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR): These technologies have the potential to revolutionize online shopping by allowing customers to virtually try on clothes, see products in their own homes, or even experience immersive product demonstrations.
  • Voice Commerce: Voice assistants like Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant are becoming increasingly popular. Voice commerce allows users to make purchases using simple voice commands, making shopping even more convenient and hands-free.
  • Social Commerce: The integration of social media and e-commerce will continue to grow, offering seamless shopping experiences directly within social media platforms.

The Difference between
E-commerce and online store

E-commerce and online stores are both part of the digital landscape where buying and selling happen, but there's a key distinction between the two.

difference ecommerce and online store

E-commerce (Electronic Commerce)

E-commerce (Electronic Commerce)

Broader scope

E-commerce refers to the entire process of buying and selling goods and services over the Internet.

It encompasses all online transactions, not just retail purchases.

This includes things like online banking, booking flights, buying digital products like ebooks or music, and even business-to-business (B2B) transactions.

Focus on transactions

E-commerce is all about the electronic exchange of money and goods or services.

It’s the underlying framework that enables online transactions to happen securely and efficiently.


When you pay your bills online, purchase a plane ticket through a travel website, or download a song from iTunes, you’re participating in e-commerce.

Online Store

online store

Specific focus

An online store refers to a virtual storefront where businesses sell products directly to consumers (B2C).

It’s a website or platform designed specifically for online retail, allowing customers to browse products, add items to a shopping cart, and complete a purchase using secure payment methods.

Part of e-commerce

An online store is a specific channel within the broader concept of e-commerce. It’s a tool that facilitates online retail transactions.


Popular online stores include Amazon, Walmart.com, or any website where you can add items to your cart and checkout electronically.

Think of e-commerce as the entire highway system, enabling travel and transportation of goods across vast distances.

An online store, on the other hand, would be a specific gas station or rest stop along that highway.

It serves a specific purpose within the larger e-commerce infrastructure.

E-commerce encompasses the entire online buying and selling ecosystem, while an online store is a dedicated platform for businesses to sell products directly to consumers.

History of E-commerce

e-commerce history

The roots of e-commerce can be traced back to the early days of the internet, with the emergence of Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) in the 1960s.

EDI enabled businesses to exchange data electronically, laying the groundwork for future B2B online transactions. A few decades later, in the 1970s, the concept of online shopping began to take shape with the advent of videotex systems like videotex terminals.

These early systems allowed users to browse product catalogs and even place orders electronically, though they were limited in reach and user-friendliness.

The 1990s marked a turning point for e-commerce with the rise of the World Wide Web and the development of secure online payment methods.

This period saw the launch of pioneering e-commerce platforms like Amazon (1994) and eBay (1995), which revolutionized the way consumers shopped online.

These early websites offered a wider selection of products than traditional stores and the convenience of shopping from home.

However, internet speeds were slower back then, and security concerns were a barrier for some consumers.

The 21st century ushered in an era of continuous innovation and growth for e-commerce.

The widespread adoption of broadband internet increased accessibility and speed, while advancements in encryption technology enhanced online security.

The rise of mobile commerce (m-commerce) in the late 2000s further revolutionized e-commerce by enabling consumers to shop from anywhere using their smartphones and tablets.

Today, e-commerce is a trillion-dollar industry, with a constantly evolving landscape fueled by emerging technologies like artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and social media.

difference ecommerce and online store

Frequently Asked Questions

E-commerce in Canada refers to the buying and selling of goods and services over the internet.

It’s a rapidly growing industry that allows Canadians to shop from a wide variety of retailers, often at competitive prices and with the convenience of home delivery.

There are actually more than three, but here are some common types of e-commerce transactions:

  • Business-to-Consumer (B2C): This is the most common type, where businesses sell products and services directly to individual consumers. Examples include online stores like Amazon.ca or clothing retailers with websites.
  • Business-to-Business (B2B): Businesses can also leverage e-commerce to buy and sell goods and services from each other. This could involve wholesale purchases or online platforms connecting companies with suppliers.
  • Consumer-to-Consumer (C2C): Online marketplaces like eBay or Etsy allow individual consumers to sell products directly to other consumers.

Any business that conducts a significant portion of its sales online can be considered an e-business. This includes major online retailers like Amazon or Shopify merchants selling handmade crafts.

Even traditional brick-and-mortar stores with online storefronts where you can purchase items for delivery or pickup are engaging in e-commerce.


  • Convenience and Accessibility: Shop from anywhere, anytime with just an internet connection.
  • Wider Selection: Find a broader range of products compared to physical stores.
  • Competitive Prices: Online stores often offer competitive pricing due to lower overhead costs.
  • Global Market Reach: Businesses can sell to customers worldwide.


  • Lack of Physical Interaction: You can’t physically examine products before purchase.
  • Delivery Time: Waiting for products to be delivered can be inconvenient.
  • Security Concerns: Be cautious of online scams and ensure secure payment methods.

E-commerce can be a good business for those who can offer competitive products, provide excellent customer service, and navigate the online marketplace effectively.

However, it requires careful planning, marketing strategies, and ongoing effort to succeed.

According to statistics, Canadians frequently purchase fashion apparel, electronics, and household goods online.

Business-to-Consumer (B2C) e-commerce is the most common type, where businesses sell directly to individual consumers.

Some of the top examples of e-commerce platforms include Amazon, eBay, Walmart.ca, Etsy, Shopify stores, and countless other online retailers representing various industries.

There are more than six, but here’s an expanded list of some major e-commerce models:

  • Business-to-Consumer (B2C): As mentioned earlier, this is the most common type.
  • Business-to-Business (B2B): Businesses selling goods and services to other businesses.
  • Consumer-to-Consumer (C2C): Individual consumers selling directly to each other.
  • Direct-to-Consumer (D2C): Manufacturers selling directly to consumers, bypassing traditional retailers.
  • Subscription Model: Businesses offer products or services at regular intervals for a recurring fee.
  • Marketplace Model: Online platforms where multiple sellers can list and sell their products (e.g., Amazon, Etsy).
  • Social Commerce: Leveraging social media platforms like Facebook or Instagram to sell products directly to consumers.
  • Mobile Commerce (M-commerce): Shopping online using smartphones or tablets.

This list covers a wider range of e-commerce models you might encounter in the Canadian online marketplace.

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